Stratum Protocol

The stratum protocol is used by ASIC miners, devices created specifically for performing Bitcoin mining.

Miners use this protocol to reach out to one or more servers (e.g. a mining pool) in order to obtain a template for a new block. The template has gaps where random data can be added until the the miner successfully creates a candidate block that meets the specified difficulty requirements.

Message Format

Stratum uses the JSON-RPC 2.0 message format. That is, JSON-encoded messages, separated by newline (line feed) characters. There are two high-level message formats: requests and responses.


Requests all contain the following fields:

Field Format Description
id number or string A message ID that must be unique per request that expects a response. For requests not expecting a response (called notifications), this is null.
method string Indicates the type of request the message represents.
params array Additional data which varies based on the request method.


Responses all contain the following fields:

Field Format Description
id number or string The ID of the request that this message is a response to.
result any Data being returned in response to the request. Must be present, but may be a string, number, array, object, or null.
error error array Indicates that the request could not be fulfilled and provides information about what went wrong.

Error Array Format

The error array is a JSON array containing the following elements:

Field Format Description
error code number An error code indicating the type of error.
message string A description of the error.
data object Additional data associated with the error (nullable).

Example error: {"result":null,"id":2,"error":[24,"Unauthorized worker",null]}

Beyond those specified by JSON-RPC, the following error codes are used:

Code Description
20 Other/Unknown
21 Job not found (=stale)
22 Duplicate share
23 Low difficulty share
24 Unauthorized worker
25 Not subscribed

Client Methods


Upon connecting to a server, clients are expected to send a subscribe request, described as follows.

Field Format Description
method string "mining.subscribe"
params[0] string User agent and version, separated by a forward slash (e.g. "Node/1.0.0").
params[1] string Suggested extra nonce value (optional).

Example request: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["Node/1.0.0"]}

In response, the server will send the following data in its result object, which is a JSON array:

Field Format Description
subscriptions array An array containing sub-array that described intended subscriptions. The first value in sub-arrays is the subscription type (e.g. "mining.set_difficulty"), the second is a subscription ID.
extra nonce 1 string The selected extra nonce 1 value.
extra nonce 2 byte count number The size, in bytes, that the extra nonce 2 should be.

Example response: {"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","731ec5e0649606ff"],["mining.notify","731ec5e0649606ff"]],"e9695791",4],"id":1,"error":null}


In order to authenticate itself, the client send an authorize message:

Field Format Description
method string "mining.authorize"
params[0] string The client's user name.
params[1] string The client's password (if required by the server).

Example request: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["username", "p4ssw0rd"]}

Response format:

Field Format Description
result boolean The value true if the client has been authorized; false otherwise.

Example response: {"id": 2, "result": true, "error": null}


Once the client has completed a job (received via mining.notify following an accepted mining.authorize), it returns its result using a submit message. This message is also used to submit shares to a mining pool. The format is as follows:

Field Format Description
method string "mining.submit"
params[0] string The client's user name.
params[1] string The job ID for the work being submitted.
params[2] string The hex-encoded value of extra nonce 2.
params[3] string The hex-encoded time value use in the block header.
params[4] string The hex-encoded nonce value to use in the block header.

Example request: {"id": 1, "method": "mining.submit", "params": ["username", "4f", "fe36a31b", "504e86ed", "e9695791"]}

Response format:

Field Format Description
result boolean The value true if the submission has been accepted; false if it was rejected.

Example response: {"id": 2, "result": true, "error": null}

Server Methods


Once a client successfully connects using the mining.subscribe and mining.authorize messages, the server may send a job to the client, informing it of everything it needs to know in order to mine a new block. The notify message is a notification (does not expect a response) and has the following format:

Field Format Description
method string "mining.notify"
params[0] string The job ID for the job being sent in this message.
params[1] string The hex-encoded previous block hash.
params[2] string The hex-encoded prefix of the coinbase transaction (to precede extra nonce 2).
params[3] string The hex-encoded suffix of the coinbase transaction (to follow extra nonce 2).
params[4] array A JSON array containing the hex-encoded hashes needed to compute the merkle root. See Merkle Tree Hash Array.
params[5] string The hex-encoded block version.
params[6] string The hex-encoded network difficulty required for the block.
params[7] string The hex-encoded current time for the block.
params[8] boolean Indicates whether the client should forget any prior jobs. If true, the server will reject any submissions for prior jobs and the miner should forget any prior job IDs so that they can be reused by the server.

Example request: {"id": null, "method": "mining.notify", "params": ["bf", "4d16b6f85af6e2198f44ae2a6de67f78487ae5611b77c6c0440b921e00000000", "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff20020862062f503253482f04b8864e5008", "072f736c7573682f000000000100f2052a010000001976a914d23fcdf86f7e756a64a7a9688ef9903327048ed988ac00000000", [], "00000002", "1c2ac4af", "504e86b9", false]}

Merkle Tree Hash Array

The array of merkle tree hashes in the mining.notify request, denote (in order) the hashes that should be iteratively composed with the coinbase transaction has to ultimately generate the merkle root. In the simplest case, where the block will only contain the coinbase transaction, the array is empty and the coinbase transaction hash becomes the merkle root. When there are more transactions, however, the merkle tree hash array contains the leaf nodes of the partial merkle tree, as shown below.

graph TD

root[Merkle Root] --- 0[Hash0]
root[Merkle Root] --- 1[Hash1]
0 --- 00[Hash00]
0 --- 01[Hash01]
00 --- 000[Hash000]
00 --- 001[Hash001]
000 --- coinbase[Coinbase]

style root stroke-width: 3px, stroke-dasharray: 5
style 0 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-dasharray: 5
style 00 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-dasharray: 5
style 000 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-dasharray: 5
style 1 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-bold: 5
style 01 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-bold: 5
style 001 stroke-width: 3px, stroke-bold: 5

In the example above, dashed lines indicate hashes that must be computed, while bold lines indicate hashes are are included in the merkle tree hash array, which in this case would be: ["Hash000", "Hash00", "Hash0"]. So after the coinbase transaction is created, it is hashed into Hash000. Then Hash000 and Hash001 are hashed together to create Hash00, and so on until the Merkle Root is computed.


When reporting shares to the server, clients are expected to default to a difficulty of 1 (a target of: 0x00000000ffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000). At any point, however, the server can change that threshold by sending a set_difficulty message:

Field Format Description
method string "mining.set_difficulty"
params[0] number The new difficulty threshold for share reporting. Shares are reported using the mining.submit message.

Example request: { "id": null, "method": "mining.set_difficulty", "params": [2]}