2020-05-15 IFP

layout: specification
title: Infrastructure Funding Plan Specification
category: spec
date: 2020-04-10
activation: 1589544000
version: 0.1
author: Antony Zegers

Infrastructure Funding Plan

The purpose of the Infrastructure Funding Plan (IFP) is to provide funding to development projects working on common Bitcoin Cash infrastructure. If activated, it enforces that 5% of the block reward is spent to one of a set of specified addresses.

IFP Destination Addresses

The IFP contains four destination addresses, each associated with a separate BIP 9 activation bit as follows:

Name Destination Address BIP 9 bit
MinerFundDestination pqv2r67sgz3qumufap3h2uuj0zfmnzuv8vqhqfgddk 0
MinerABCDestination qzvz0es48sf8wrqy7kn5j5cugka95ztskcanc9laay 1
MinerBCHDDestination qrhea03074073ff3zv9whh0nggxc7k03ssh8jv9mkx 2
MinerElectronCashDestination pp8d685l8kecnmtyy52ndvq625arz2qwmu42qeeqek 3


Activation is triggered separately for each destination address via BIP 9, with the following parameters:


If activated, the IFP enforcement begins once the 15th May 2020 upgrade is activated.

If one or more IFP destination addresses are activated, then the coinbase transaction in each block must contain an output sending 5% of the block reward to one of the activated addresses.


[1] BIP 9

[2] Sample implementation