{ "title":"HEADERS", "related":["/protocol","/protocol/p2p/getheaders"] }

Response: Headers ("headers")

Provides a contiguous set of block headers.

Message Format

Field Length Format Description
block header count variable variable length integer The number of block headers in this message.
block headers variable block_header_count block headers with transaction count The set of block headers being transmitted, with the block's transaction count.

No more than 2000 block headers may be sent at one time. Block headers in this array MUST be sequential, ordered by height and without range gaps.

Block Header With Transaction Count Format

Field Length Format Description
block header 80 bytes block header The contents of the block's header.
transaction count* variable variable length integer The number of transactions contained within the block with the preceding header.

* The transaction count above is DEPRECATED and should be ignored. Nodes are allowed to send 0 regardless of the actual number of transactions in the block.